A street with different recycling bins out for collection
  • Food Waste Recycling
  • Glass
  • Plastics
  • Recycling

Recycling Image Library

29 Nov 23

Recycling Image Library

Looking for images to promote your range of recycling services? Then look no further!

Our new image library contains over 300 images to help you. Simply download the waste streams that you currently offer. The images are free for you to use in your Local Authority communications – whether that’s on your website, social media or in printed material.

As well as images of particular items, we also have photos showing people recycling to inspire your householders to do the same.

Recycling Image Library
Recycling Image Library

Bins and caddies

Images of wheelie bins, food caddies and recycling boxes.


Examples of milk, juice and soup cartons.

Food waste

Examples of grass and hedge clippings, twigs, dead flowers and weeds.

Garden waste

Examples of grass and hedge clippings, twigs, dead flowers and weeds.


Images of brown, clear and green glass bottles of all types.

Metal and foil

Examples of tins, drink cans, empty aerosols, deodorants, metal biscuit tins and foil trays.

Action shots – people recycling

Shows people sorting all types of recycling in their own home, rinsing items and putting the bins out.

Action shots – communal recycling

Shows people sorting all types of recycling in their own home and in communal areas.


Images of polystyrene, toys, nappies and plant pots.

Paper, card and cardboard

Includes images of boxes, magazines, newspapers, envelopes, contaminated pizza box and more.


Images of plastic drink bottles, cleaning product bottles, pots, tubs, trays and plastic toiletry bottles.

Soft plastics

Includes images of carrier bags, crisp and sweet packets, food pouches, plastic film and more.