Plastics recycling

Not all plastics are created equal and it can be tricky to know what you can and can't recycle. Some plastics are easier to recycle and are in demand as a resource while others are more difficult to recycle.

The best thing you can do is to cut down on all disposable products, no matter the material, but for those you can't, it's important to recycle them correctly to avoid contaminating the recycling process.

Plastics recycling - woman holding recycling box (1).jpg

What can you do?

  1. Check out our guide to recycling packaging symbols to find out what you can and can't recycle.

  2. Squash bottles and screw lids back on before you throw them into the recycling bin.

  3. Recyclable plastic film can be taken to recycling bins at larger supermarkets.

  4. Give your recycling a quick rinse to remove any remaining food before recycling.